The Tower Hoard

The roads are no longer safe… with trade routes breaking down and the foothold of regional powers waning, the Flaming Fist have had difficulties maintaining peace for merchants and travelers. A tribe of monstrous humanoids has taken up residence in an abandoned keep overlooking both a trade road and its bridge over a gorge. This strategic position, formerly occupied by the Flaming Fist of Baulders Gate, has made easy pickings for the tribe. Upon moving into the keep they now ambush anyone traveling upon the main highway.

Traveling north through the Cloud Peaks your party happens upon a body abandoned to rot [dc 12, examination reveals they have been dead for ~3 weeks] pinned to a tree with a large heavy serrated spear [-1 to hit when wielded by small/medium, +1 damage] made of dense dark wood. Notes found in a satchel on the corpse reveal yours truly to be an ex-courier. A message—addressed to Ulder Ravengard of Baulders Gate—reads: “The figure you inquired of was spotted this last night’s heart appearing from a portal, which opened over the crossing of two known Veins of the Lady long believed to be dormant. It, and the Leygriss, are moving north towards Beregost. ” You hear a thunderous, distant crash of wood and stone echo off the peaks ahead….

  1. You push open the stone door to this room and note that the only other exit is a door made of wood. It and the table shoved against it are warped and swollen. Indeed, the table only barely deserves that description. Its surface is rippled into waves and one leg doesn’t even touch the floor. The door shows signs of someone trying to chop through from the other side, but it looks like they gave up.
  2. Rows of empty weapon racks and a dozen or more stands for missing suits of armor indicate that this room was once an armory. Some debris litters the floor–wrecked stands and hacked arming dummies, but nothing of value is readily apparent.
  3. You round the corner of the hall to confront a passage nearly blocked with crates, barrels, and chests. It seems someone set them up to barricade the hall. Three barrels are set up as seats near gaps in the barricade, no doubt the place where archers waited for foes. A rusting and torn breastplate hang from a rope near the wall. DM Note: The breastplate serves as a warning gong.
  4. A ruined, plush carpet covers the floor in here, along with hundreds of paper scraps and many wooden shards. The place reeks of mildew. You see some large bits of wreckage, including most of a long tabletop. You also see a few barrels and crates heaped in the room’s center. At least a dozen picks, mattocks, and shovels lie in a heap next to the barrels and crates.
  5. Rounded green stones set in the floor form a snake’s head that points in the direction of the doorway you stand-in. The body of the snake flows back and toward the wall to go round about the room in ever-smaller circles, creating a spiral pattern on the floor. Similar green-stone snakes wend along the walls, seemingly at random heights, and their long bodies make wave shapes.
  6. There’s a hiss as you open this door, and you smell a sour odor, like something rotten or fermented. Inside you see a small room lined with dusty shelves, crates, and barrels. It looks like someone once used this place as a larder, but it has been a long time since anyone came to retrieve food from it.
  7. HALLWAY: Rusting spikes line the walls and ceiling of this chamber. The dusty floor shows no sign that the walls move over it, but you can see the skeleton of some humanoid impaled on some wall spikes nearby. ROOM: The strong, sour-sweet scent of vinegar assaults your nose as you enter this room. Sundered casks and broken bottle glass line the walls of this room. This was someone’s wine cellar for a time. The shards of glass are somewhat dusty, and the spilled wine is nothing more than a sticky residue in some places. Only one small barrel remains unbroken amid the rubbish.
  8. As you descend the stairs the air cools considerably and neither light nor dark-vision allows you to see, you slowly feel your way down the stairs and feel something wet on the walls as you come to a landing…
  9. Neither light nor dark-vision can penetrate the gloom in this chamber. An unnatural shade fills it, and the room’s farthest reaches are barely visible. Near the room’s center, you can just barely perceive a lump about the size of a human lying on the floor. This adventurer was attempting to circle himself with a Dagger of Warding [20ft line 1/day // dc12 vs undead; creatures cannot pass and are paralyzed for one round].
  10. Fire crackles and pops in a small cooking fire set in the center of the room. The smoke from a burning rat on a spit curl up through a hole in the ceiling. Around the fire lie several fur blankets and a bag. It looks like someone camped here until not long ago but then left in a hurry. BAG CONTENTS: a bag of salt, 50′ hemp rope, grappling hook, small hunting trap, rope net, a bottle of mead, flasks of oil x3, a wedge of cheese, and a salted ham.
  11. You pass through the darkness to a scene of carnage. Two male humans, a male elf, and a female dwarf lie in dried pools of their own blood. It seems that they might once have been wearing armor, except for the elf, who remains dressed in a blue robe. They lost some battle and victors stripped them of their valuables.
  12. Burning torches in iron sconces line the walls of this room, lighting it brilliantly. At the room’s center lies a squat stone altar, it’s top covered in recently spilled blood. A channel in the altar funnels the blood down its side to the floor where it fills grooves in the floor that trace some kind of pattern or symbol around the altar. Unfortunately, you can’t tell what it is from your vantage point.
  13. You open the door, and the room comes alive with light and music. A sourceless, warm glow suffuses the chamber, and a harp you cannot see plays soothing sounds. Unfortunately, the rest of the chamber isn’t so inviting. The floor is strewn with the smashed remains of rotting furniture. It looks like the room once held a bed, a desk, a chest, and a chair.
  14. You open the door and a gout of flame rushes at your face. A wave of heat strikes you at the same time and light fills the hall. The room beyond the door is ablaze! An inferno engulfs the place, clinging to bare rock and burning without fuel.
  15. The door to this room swings open easily on well-oiled hinges. Beyond it, you see that the chamber walls have been disguised by wood paneling, and the stone ceiling and floor are hidden by bright marble tiles. Several large and well-stuffed chairs are arranged about the room along with some small reading tables.
  16. You pull open the door and hear the scrape of its opening echo throughout the room. Peering inside, you see a cavern. Stalactites drip down from the ceiling in sharp points while the flowstone makes strange shapes on the floor. A dim bluish light suffuses this chamber, its source obvious at a glance. Blue-glowing lichen and violet-glowing moss cling to the ceiling and spread across the floor. It even creeps down and up each wall, as if the colonies on the floor and ceiling are growing to meet each other. Their source seems to be a glowing, narrow crack in the ceiling, the extent of which you cannot gauge from your position. The air in the room smells fresh and damp.
  17. A pungent, earthy odor greets you as you pull open the door and peer into this room. Mushrooms grow in clusters of hundreds all over the floor. Looking into the room is like looking down on a forest. Tall tangles of fungus resemble forested hills, the barren floor looks like a plain between the woods, and even a trickle of water and a puddle of water that pools in a low spot bear a resemblance to a river and lake, respectively.
  18. Three low, oblong piles of rubble lie near the center of this small room. Each has a weapon jutting upright from one end — a silver longsword, a bronze spear, and a Ironcapped quarterstaff. The piles resemble cairns used to bury dead adventurers.
  19. A liquid-filled pit extends to every wall of this chamber. The liquid lies about 10 feet below your feet and is so murky that you can’t see its bottom. The room smells sour. A rope bridge extends from your door to the room’s other exit.
  20. A crack in the ceiling above the middle of the north wall allows a trickle of water to flow down to the floor. The water pools near the base of the wall, and a rivulet runs along the wall and out into the hall. The water smells fresh.
  21. Thick cobwebs fill the corners of the room, and wisps of webbing hang from the ceiling and waver in a wind you can barely feel. One corner of the ceiling has a particularly large clot of webbing within which a goblin’s bones are tangled.
  22. Natural sunlight filters into this room from an overhead shaft about 5 ft in diameter. Ceremonial cloaks of various sizes hang on wooden pegs about the walls. The center of the room is dominated by a stepped platform of rust-colored stone.
  23. Rats inside the room shriek when they hear the door open, then they run in all directions from a putrid corpse lying in the center of the floor. As these creatures crowd around the edges of the room, seeking to crawl through a hole in one corner, they fight one another. The stinking corpse in the middle of the room looks human, but the damage both time and the rats have wrought are enough to make determining its race by appearance an extremely difficult task at best.
  24. This wooden paneled chamber is dominated by an 8ft iron drinking fountain, decorated with gargoyle-like creatures with wicked spines. The liquid in the fountain appears to be water. On the bottom of the pool, you can see a scattering of tarnished coins.
  25. The walls of this chamber are roughly hewn. In the center of the room is a wide pool with creeper vines growing around the edges. The water in the pool is still and dark.
  26. Huge rusted metal blades jut out of cracks in the walls, and rusting spikes project down from the ceiling almost to the floor. This stairway may have once been trapped heavily, but someone triggered them, apparently without getting killed. The traps were never reset and now seem rusted in place.
  27. This area opens up into a natural cavern wider than your torchlight allows for. The floor here is slick with some kind of translucent slime, and the walls bear several tube-like tunnels about a foot in diameter. As you take in the details, a peculiar chittering noise issues from the darkness.
  28. A strange ceiling is the focal point of the room before you. It’s honeycombed with hundreds of holes about as wide as your head. They seem to penetrate the ceiling to some height beyond a couple of feet, but you can’t be sure from your vantage point.
  29. A cluster of low crates surrounds a barrel in the center of this chamber. Atop the barrel lies a stack of copper coins and two stacks of cards, one face up. Meanwhile, atop each crate rests a fan of five face-down playing cards. A thin layer of dust covers everything. Someone meant to return to their game of cards.
  30. A horrendous, overwhelming stench wafts from the room before you. Small cages containing small dead ravens line the walls. Their rotting corpses and the unclean cages no doubt result in the room’s foul odor. A small writing desk and chair lie shattered on the floor.
  31. The door in front of you seems to be stuck. DM Note: If the PCs yank it open, it comes open. Read the following: A furious rumble resounds in the area as stones come clattering through the doorway, along with a thick cloud of rock dust. The room beyond is filled with rubble.
  32. You peer into this room and spot the white orb of a skull lying on the floor. Suddenly a stone falls from the ceiling and smashes the skull to pieces. An instant later, another stone from the ceiling drops to strike the floor and shatter. You hear a low rumbling and cracking noise. DM NOTE: ceiling collapses next round [4d10 dc15] which causes the floor to collapse [2d10 dc20].
  33. This chamber served as an armory. Armor and weapon racks line the walls and rusty and broken swords and bows litter the floor. It hasn’t been used for a long time, and all the useful weapons have been taken but for a single longbow. Unlike the other weapons in the room, this one seems untarnished in the light.
  34. This chamber was smaller at one time, but something knocked down the wall that separated it from an adjacent room. Looking into that space, you see signs of another wall knocked over. It doesn’t appear that anyone made an effort to clean up the rubble, but some paths through see more usage than others.
  35. A flurry of bats suddenly flaps through the doorway, their screeching barely audible as they careen past your heads. They flap past you into the rooms and halls beyond. The room from which they came seems barren at first glance. A skeleton dressed in moth-eaten garb lies before a large open chest in the rear of this chamber. The chest is empty, but you note two needles projecting from the now-open lock. Dust coats something sticky on the needles’ points.
  36. A chill wind blows against you as you open the door. Beyond it, you see that the floor and ceiling are nothing but iron grates. Above and below the grates the walls extend up and down with no true ceiling or floor within your range of vision. It’s as though the chamber is a bridge through the shaft of a great well. Standing on the edge of this shaft, you feel a chill wind pass down it and over your shoulder into the hall beyond.
  37. This room is shattered. A huge crevasse shears the chamber in half, and the ground and ceilings are tilted away from it. It’s as though the room was gripped in two enormous hands and broken like a loaf of bread. Someone has torn a tall stone door from its hinges somewhere else in the dungeon and used it to bridge the 15-foot gap of the chasm between the two sides of the room. Whatever did that must have possessed tremendous strength because the door is huge, and the enormous hinges look bent and mangled. [ goblins || kobolds (who all appear to have small black flags tucked in their belts)]
  38. At its center of this room lies a low heap of refuse, rubble, and bones atop which sit several huge broken eggshells. Judging by their shattered remains, the eggs were big enough to hold a crouching man, making you wonder how large — and where — the mother is. [griffon || dragon]

Original room descriptions source: